Dear Lady Gaga,
25 years ago, you were “Born This Day”. For your family, this was special, for your friends this was special, but there were millions of us out here who never realised how special this would be.
Since you stormed into the charts in 2009, we have adored you, grown to know you, loved your music, loved and been baffled by your outfits, and been inspired by you.
You’ve changed the lives of so many, and your equality messages have made a huge impact on the current world.
You make us Little Monsters, whether we just like your songs, or if we’ve been to loads of concerts and have a room dedicated to you, feel like we’re all equal, and we really do feel like you are our Mother Monster.
You’ve changed the music business, and it’s never going back.
I love you so much Lady Gaga,
Happy Birthday!
paws up, today&forever <3!